Page 40 - HaMizrachi #9 Yom HaAtzmaut 5779
P. 40

Rabbi Stewart Weiss


                 siren song

            ou may remember the pop song    men and women of our holy armed        But now we have an army, a navy, and
            “Red Rubber Ball,” written by   forces, including our eldest son Ari   the best air force in the world. G-d has
     Y Paul Simon and recorded by           Hy”d, who fell in battle 17 years ago.  blessed  us  with  the  finest soldiers  and
      The Cyrkle, a verse of which seems so                                        they are sworn to our protection. They
      appropriate for the moment:           Sadly, these sirens evoke not only     will not let us ever again be attacked
                                            the past but the present as well. I feel   with impunity. They have been to the
      The roller-coaster ride we took is nearly at   that the same ill  wind that blew over   death camps and marched to Birkenau,
      an end; I bought my ticket with my tears,   Europe, as the Germans emptied the   wrapped proudly in the flag of Israel.
      that’s all I’m gonna spend....        continent of its Jews in a brash and   They fully understand what our enemies
                                            brutal blitzkreig, is polluting our air once
      These last weeks have been an emotional   again. After too few years of respite, the   are capable of and they form a wall of
      roller-coaster for the Jewish people,   term “Jew” has returned to its status as   deterrence surrounding us. They live on
      bringing smiles to our faces as we soared   the ultimate curse word. Anti-Zionism   the front, but they have our backs. They
      to thrilling heights only to feel the   is rampant, as marches to “liberate”   are the definition of everything good
      pit of our stomachs as we plummeted   Jerusalem proliferate around the globe,   that derives from sovereignty, and they
      into the depths. The  “bookends” of   and Nazi symbols desecrate graveyards   are the antidote to all the deadly ills that
      this unique stretch of our calendar   worldwide.  Our  enemies  seek  weapons   flow from statelessness.
      began with Pesach and the Seder night,   of mass destruction that threaten our
      as we celebrated our entrance into    State, and even in “the home of the    Before the last battle against the
      peoplehood. It ends on Yom HaAtzmaut,   free and the brave” there are mounting   Germans  began  at  Muranowski  Square
      when we shall rejoice over our rebirth as                                    in the Warsaw Ghetto, Betar’s leader,
      a proud and independent nation in our   incidents of anti-Semitism. We turn on   Pawel Frenkel, addressed his youthful
                                            the news with trepidation; where will
      own Land.                                                                    soldiers: “Fellow Jews,” he said, “In all
                                            the next outrage against our innocents   likelihood, we will die young. But we are
      Sandwiched in between these glorious   occur?                                not doomed; the world will hear of us,
      events are intense moments of sadness                                        and we will yet have our place in history.”
      and solemnity. These began on the     But  then I  remind  myself  that, despite
      last day of Pesach, when we recited   all the signs of crisis around us, there is   The sirens we sound at this time of year
      the  Yizkor memorial prayers for our   a  pronounced and  powerful  difference   are a clarion call that evokes the days of
      departed loved ones. A week later, we   between then and now. In the years   danger and despair, for we have indeed
      went on to Yom HaShoa, Holocaust      before and during the Holocaust, we    traveled a long and winding road of
      Remembrance Day, and seven days after   were powerless, defenseless. We waited   trial and tribulation. But the “last word”
      that, Yom HaZikaron, Remembrance      for some knight in shining armor to    of this period, the last sound we hear,
      Day for our fallen soldiers.          come and rescue us, and he never       is the ecstatic music of happiness and
                                            appeared. He did not bomb Auschwitz’s   joy which celebrates our re-emergence
      Like many Israelis, I live between two   rail lines, he did not open the gates to   on the world stage as a proud and
      sirens. There is the one which sounds on   our desperate citizens seeking asylum.   prosperous nation – Am Yisrael Chai!
      Yom HaShoa, when I mourn my many      He did not raise a hue and cry in
      relatives who perished in Poland, and   Congress; he did not join our ghetto
      honor my mother-in-law, who spent her   fighters as we rose up courageously
      16th birthday in Auschwitz, and the one   in Warsaw. No, he stood by silently,   Rabbi Stewart Weiss is Director of the
      which wails on Yom HaZikaron, in a cry   and he willingly collaborated with our   Jewish Outreach Center of Ra’anana
      of commemoration for all the heroic   oppressors in our destruction.

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