Page 6 - Learning and Reading Recovery Title I - Flippable Book
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Program Finder
Select the ones that best serve your students
An online portal directing students
Ameliorate “summer slide”
to “just-right” books to preserve and
(or “Covid-slide”) among readers
improve reading levels
Explore and address critical issues A program facilitating quiet self reflection
related to personal and community and mindful group dialogues around
well-being books, stories, and related activities
An online portal offering students the
Motivate students to read for pleasure
opportunity to select books of choice
An online portal enabling families
Provide families timely access to the
to find new releases at appropriate
latest greatest books
grade levels
A subscription program that brings
Stimulate family engagement in
curated books, activities, and parent
the early years
resources into the home
A subscription program providing access
Encourage students to learn a and exposure to foreign language books,
second language and the opportunity to add such books to
home libraries
An online portal offering quality
Boost classroom library collections
children’s books at deep discounts
A customized selection of logic,
Support classroom curriculum with
strategy and word games making
hands-on and interactive resources
classroom learning fun
An online platform allowing any
Provide ongoing access and exposure
community to host a forum of curated
to best books
books 24/7, 365 days a year