Page 9 - Learning and Reading Recovery Title I - Flippable Book
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Challenges of Summer Slide How RISE Can Help
RISE provides “just-right”
An average of 2 months of reading
books and direction, helping
skills are lost over the summer.
prevent a decline in skills.
RISE brings reading materials
More than half of children
into the homes of students in
in need do not have access
need, encouraging them to
to books at home.
evelop regular reading habits.
RISE informs parents about the
75% of parents wish they knew
reality of summer slide and engages
more about summer slide from
them to support their children’s
educators and how to mitigate it.
reading and learning efforts.
RISE benefits teachers when
6 weeks are spent every fall
80-90% of participating students
reteaching material students
return to school with retained
forgot over the summer.
or improved reading levels.
Children who both live in poverty and
RISE provides equitable access
read below grade level by 3rd grade
to books and helps with closing
are three times as likely not to graduate
the achievement gap between
from high school as students who have
never been poor. low and high income students.
73% of children say they RISE provides children the options
would read more if they could to select books of choice and
choose the books they like. motivates to keep reading.
Sources: | Seattle Intelligencer | Alexander, K.; Entwisle, D.; Olson, L. (2007) | https://summerlearning.
org/?pge=know_the_facts | |
Program Cost Program Participation Guidelines
Cost of program will vary based
on the number of students and 1 Schools identify students likely to face summer
books offered per student. slide and benefit most from the program.
An example: A 10-book selection
per student, costs $70. 2 Schools register participating students on
Bookworm Central’s online RISE portal.
Measure of Success
3 Students make their choices from a
Schools are encouraged to curated selection of DRA leveled books.
evaluate RISE outcomes by
reviewing data and Bookworm Central processes, fulfills,
calculating ROI. 4 and ships orders to students’ homes.
Detailed highlights for other Bookworm Central programs are also available.