Page 10 - Bernardon Proposal-Village Place Apartments Interior Design
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                team as well as the Bernardon procurement team during
                the FF&E phase. Furniture selections will be presented   We anticipate a 20-month construction period.  If the
                as part of the FF&E phase of the project.           construction period is longer than anticipated or if
                                                                    additional meetings are required outside of the fault
                Once we have received approval from you for our Design   of the design team, we reserve the right to invoice our
                Development phase, we will proceed onto Phase III –   additional time on an basis at our standard hourly rates.
                Construction Documents.
                                                                    Phase V - Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment (FF&E),
               Phase III - Construction Documents                   Artwork and Decorative Accessories
               Based on approvals made during Design Development,   Bernardon understands the specific needs of a residential
               Bernardon will move forward with interior documentation   community  and  will  select  and  design  interior  and
               of the amenity design and unit finish selections for   exterior amenity space furnishings that emphasize
               bidding and construction.                            the unique character of the interior design theme and
                                                                    distinguish the amenity spaces from its competitors.  We
                 Amenity Space & Common Area Deliverables           will specify items including furniture, fabrics, table and
                    ■ Interior Finish Plans                         floor lamps, window treatments, artwork, and decorative
                    ■ Interior Furniture Plans                      accessories.  As part of this phase, the following services
                    ■ Lighting/Reflected Ceiling Plans and Details  and deliverables will be provided:
                    ■ Lighting Fixture Schedule
                    ■ Plumbing Fixture Schedule                       Phase V.1 - Amenity Space
                    ■ Interior Details                                   ■ One (1) initial meeting to present selected furniture,
                    ■ Millwork Plans, Elevations and Details            fabrics, and artwork for approval;
                    ■ Technical Specifications (book format)             ■ One (1) follow-up meeting to present for approval
                    ■ One (1) meeting to review any outstanding items   the requested changes to selected furniture, fabrics,
                   prior to final documentation is included             and artwork;
                                                                         ■ Tagged furniture and artwork location plans;
               Phase IV - Construction Administration                    ■ Technical furniture, artwork, and accessory
               During this phase, we have assumed a role including the   specifications (book format);
               following:                                                ■ Coordination of specifications to be quoted by
                                                                        Bernardon Procures, LLC;
                    ■ Answer  Requests  for  Information  (RFIs)  during     ■ Serving as vendor liaison coordinating the
                   the subcontractor bid period;                        construction schedule, and the furniture and artwork
                    ■ Attend a pre-construction meeting;                delivery and installation;
                    ■ Attend on-site construction observation meetings     ■ Provide on-site placement coordination and review
                   (maximum of 8);                                      during installation of FF&E; and
                    ■ Attend biweekly OAC calls during construction      ■ Provide final punch list for FF&E.
                   (maximum of 20); and
                    ■ Review specific shop drawings (custom/specialty   Phase V.2 Model Unit
                   items, millwork, and finishes and as outlined in   The Bernardon team assumes there will be a need for
                   our book specifications).                          two (2) apartments to serve as Model Units - a one-
                                                                      bedroom unit and a two-bedroom unit. The interior
                                                                      finishes of the model units will match the standard

               BERNARDON | Proposal for Interior Design Services
               CHPVP Phase 3, LLC (Entity 369) | Village Place Apartments, Building 5 | February 15, 2022  Page 7
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