Page 10 - Bernardon Healthcare Statement of Qualifications
P. 10
Jerry Ann McLamb Medical Pavilion
Developer: Phoenix RHCS Holdings, LLC
Location: Sussex County, Delaware
Design Statement: Drawing on the Town of Milton’s ship-
building history, Bernardon's design of this 40,000 SF,
two-story building works to blend the materials and scale
of the town’s past with a clean-lined, crisp design. With the
addition of a few modern touches, this building will be a new,
but conscious, neighbor that provides a great location for
top-of-the-line medical care is southern Delaware.
Bernardon has also been retained for the design and
interior fit-out of Beebe Healthcare’s four leased spaces patient experience. Enhancing the innate human desire
within the Pavilion. On the first floor, Beebe Healthcare to connect with the outdoors by creating opportunities to
will be providing a walk-in care clinic, and imaging and lab make visual and sensory connections with nature through
services. On the second floor, a primary care and physical material selections, lighting, and access to windows will be
therapy space will be included. Each of these spaces will be an important element of the overall design of these spaces.
linked to a concierge space in the main lobby. Bernardon’s Construction on the Jerry Ann McLamb Medical Office
design will meld both the practical aspects of program Pavilion is scheduled to start in Summer 2021, with Beebe
accommodation and a welcoming design to create a positive Healthcare slated to open its doors at the end of 2022.