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Students Speak

                                      Archita Chaturvedi 9A                                                            Nachiket Gajora 12A

                          Goldcrest High, Vashi, is the only school I have known since my childhood.     I feel very fortunate that I had the opportunity to go to Spain for a year for
                          Here I have realized the importance of  learning, being educated and the
                                                                                                         a student exchange program. First of  all, I would like to thank the Principal,
                          power of  liberal thinking with an open mind. Since my younger years,
                                                                                                         Mrs. Jaspal Gill, the teachers and the staff  at Goldcrest High, Vashi for
                          teachers have been tremendously successful at inculcating knowledge and
                                                                                                         helping me with the procedures of  pre-student exchange.
                          making our learning fun and enjoyable. I have witnessed the reigns of  the
                          best Principal that Goldcrest High, Vashi has had. I am proudly able to say
                                                                                                         While boarding the flight I felt privileged to represent my school and my
                          that they have been great leaders for inspiring us. Their dynamic decisions
                                                                                                         country. Before going abroad I was an introvert and I used to get anxious
                          and disciplined practices have kept us focussed on our best talents and they
                                                                                                         when it came to speaking before people and an audience. Due to the support
                          have shown us that it is not important to be perfect because perfection
                                                                                                         of  my Host Family and my local Spanish friends, I learned to speak Spanish
                          equals to paralysis and we have to get better every day one day at a time.
                                                                                                         fluently within 3 months. The exchange has helped me to grow as a person
                          I have also made great friends at Goldcrest High, and I have cherished every
                                                                                                         in many ways. After coming back I have become confident and was no longer
                          moment of  my school with them. Whether, it was in classrooms, in cafeteria,
                                                                                                         afraid of  facing an audience. I was always very interested in learning a new
                          during functions, in annual concerts and its practices and especially while was
                                                                                                         language alongside this and Spanish was on the top of  my list. Goldcrest
                          being punished for incomplete homework! Yes, punishments were fun indeed with
                          friends by my side. Apart, from teachers, the Principal and my friends, our staff,   High helped me with my academic and co-curricular activities when I came
                          the housekeeping, and the management has done a terrific job in keeping the    back after completing my exchange year. Even after returning to India, the
                          school, one step ahead in hygiene and close to MAHATMA GANDHI’s saying         school has supported me to put forth all the learning that I had acquired in
                          “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”                                             a different school. The school supported me with everything I required, and
                                                                                                         for that, I'm very grateful!
                          To conclude I would like to say that my school is awesome and a center of      Hope I make my school proud as a global citizen.
                          learning in its true spirits. It is a place where I found my wings of  excellence.

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