Page 7 - Rotary DIN Aug 2016
P. 7

YOUTH                                                                    Top young writers

Bowled over                                                              Ella Kyle, of Truro Boscawen
Uffculme School won the Rotary and Devon School Cricket                  Rotary Club, came first in the
Association Shield (Under 13) Twenty/20 competition at Blundell’s        Intermediate category of the
School, Tiverton, on June 16, beating Exeter School, South Dartmoor      Young Writer competition at
Community College and Plymouth College on the day.                       Hutton (Essex) at the end of
District Governor Brian Stoyel was on hand to present the winning        May. Meanwhile, Sienna Harris,
team with their individual trophies, while competition chairman Eddie    of Totnes Rotary, got a highly
Dymond gave Rob Turner of Blundell’s a certificate thanking them         commended award.
for hosting this year’s final.
                                                                         The judges commented that
District Governor Brian presented the winning team Uffculme School with  Ella’s piece, which was about
                            their Indivdual Trophies                     going through her grand-
                                                                         father’s effects after he had
                                                                         died, was “a thoughtful and
                                                                         mature précis, showing wisdom
                                                                         beyond her years. Stunning
                                                                         and evocative.”

                                                                         The two were the District 1175
                                                                         winners in their categories.
                                                                         Georgia Crowshaw of Bideford
                                                                         RC came first in the senior

                                                                         There were more than 70
                                                                         entries across the three age
                                                                         groups in District 1175. Entries
                                                                         included poetry and prose and
                                                                         some were also beautifully
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