Page 9 - Rotary DIN Aug 2016
P. 9

INTERACT - Teacher gets it!                         RYLA - Way ahead of the rest

Paignton Rotary Club’s Interact Students have       By Sian Doyle (Babbacombe & St. Marychurch)
been raising money by “splatting” a teacher.
                                                    This year’s Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
The Interact club of Paignton’s Community and       course had a different feel, as there was a new
Sports Academy enabled key stage three students     team leader in Phil Way.
to get their own back on their teachers by
splatting them with wet sponges while they were     The course delivered a week full of cerebral and
locked in a set of stocks. The money raised by the  physical challenges for the candidates, pushing
event was a contribution towards a donation of      them to their personal limits whilst teaching them
£2,000 from Paignton Rotary Club for the            how to deal with their comfort zones.
purchase of new GPS trackers.
                                                    Communication is the key to good team work and
The tracking equipment will assist Ten Tors and     leadership and the candidates were taught many
Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, enabling staff to    different ways to enhance their understanding of
ensure the safety of students while taking part.    the skills necessary. The calibre of speaker was as
                                                    always extremely high, focusing on subjects
Sports teacher Chris Cook is responsible for the    including moral courage, team dynamics, effective
Duke of Edinburgh Awards. He said: “The money       communication and emotional resilience.
raised from this event will be very useful in
ensuring that our future expeditions give students  This year, there were 26 young people taking part
the freedom to explore whilst remaining safe in     in the district and the organisers hope more will
mountain and moorland environments. Well done       take part next year, with more candidates from
to the Interact Club!”                              the old 1170 district. The course is recognised as
                                                    one of the best RYLAs in the UK.

                                                    RYLA is a leadership programme coordinated by
                                                    Rotary Clubs around the world. Each year,
                                                    thousands of young people aged from 13 are
                                                    sponsored by Rotary Clubs to attend the event,
                                                    run by the district committee.

                                                    If clubs in the district are looking to enter a
                                                    candidate, help with funding, or simply want to
                                                    find out more, the contact is Sian on
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