Page 18 - Rotary DIN Feb 16
P. 18

Pounding the roads                                 His contribution is enough to provide two
Bodmin Rotarian Colin Bell has raised more than    lifesaving boxes for families of 10, who have been
£1300 for ShelterBox by covering on foot more      displaced by disaster.
than 2,015km during the year 2015.And he did
much of it with a large green ShelterBox attached  Contact: Peter Bray at
to his back.                             

Colin ran a series of marathons, ultras and fun    Memorable days
runs, including the Bodmin Ultra 50km, the Pony
Express New Forest 96km, the Chiltern Ultra        Grace Roach, 19, a media studies student at
50km, the Roseland Trail 50km, the Great North     Falmouth University, has produced this four-
Run 31km and the Tyne & Wear Ultra 50km.           minute video of the town’s memory café. It’s a
To cap it all, he walked the last 70km through     heart-warming story of a typical session at the
wind and rain on January 26 this year from his     café, which has been supported since its inception
home in Bodmin to the ShelterBox HQ in Helston.    by Falmouth Rotary Club members Cliff Brown
Colin said: “The reception I’ve had has been       and Bob Bridges, who, with the help of many of
wonderful. People knew about the charity and the   the club’s Rotarians, took a leading role in its
great work they do. If there are families in need  establishment and day-to-day organisation.
of emergency shelter, ShelterBox does everything
it can do to help them rebuild their lives.        Memory cafes are where people with memory loss
                                                   and their family or carers can socialise, take part
                                                   in meaningful activities and enjoy home-made
                                                   cakes and refreshments. A spokesman for
                                                   Falmouth RC said: “They can help refresh and
                                                   reweave the relationship between people with
                                                   memory loss and their carers, and also build
                                                   mutual support. Knowing that others really
                                                   understand makes a difference, and this can grow
                                                   into a support network that exists outside the

                                                   Contact: Bob Bridges on

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