Page 19 - Rotary DIN Feb 16
P. 19

Ninety and still moving                            Rotary Peace Fellowships

Exmouth & District Rotary Club has just            Rotary is now accepting applications for the 2017-
celebrated its 90th anniversary and President      18 Peace Fellowships programme. Candidates
Simon Wood told members “Our club continues to     have until May 31 to submit applications to their
grow, both in term of membership and               districts, which must submit application to the
aspirations.” District governor Brian Stoyel       Foundation by July 1.Rotary selects fellows
added: “This club is a great credit to the Rotary  through a globally competitive application
International movement for providing leadership;   process, based on the applicant's ability to have a
its vision and projects; and its funding for our   significant, positive impact on the world.
Rotary Foundation and, not least the worldwide
‘End Polio Now’ project.”                          The application process begins online, where you
Among Exmouth’s projects is the Last Night of the  can learn more about eligibility and working with
Proms concert, which has been going since 1995     your sponsoring Rotary district and the materials
and has raised £70,000 for charity. The latest     you'll need to complete your application.
concert enabled the club to present £3,000 to the
Force Cancer charity, who provide support and      Find out more at
information at the Royal Devon & Exeter hospital,  or email
Tiverton and Okehampton.
Exmouth & District contact:                                LATE NEWS: Congratulations to Brian                               Stoyel (Saltash), DG 1175 who has been
                                                           elected as an RI Director for 2017-19.

                                                   And Finally..

                                                   Babb’s Army

                                                   A new Dad’s Army film has just been released,
                                                   but enjoy senior members of Babbacombe & St
                                                   Marychurch Rotary promenading as members of
                                                   the “Dad’s Army” cast as seen in the final credits
                                                   of the original sitcom.

                                                   Thanks to Andy Uglow and Peter
                                                   Temple for this gem.

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