Page 3 - April 2018 DIM
P. 3

MESSAGE FROM THE DG                                                          Spiller put forward his proposals for change in the structure of
                                                                             RIBI which together with the Annual Report, budget and District
                                      Over the next couple of months         Governor nominees passed with an overwhelming majority.
                                      there will be the flurry of occasions
                                      marking the coming to an end of a      On the subject of Conferences the District 1175 Conference will
                                      Club Presidents year in office. For    be happening on 29/30th June and 1st July at Exeter University.
                                      a few this will not be the end as in   If you have yet to register than please do so before the end of
                                      the spirit of ‘Service above Self’     the month as after that accommodation cannot be guaranteed.
                                      they will stand for another year. It   A registration form can be downloaded from the District website
                                      is a sad reflection that for some      where further information is available. Handover will take place
                                      Clubs the ‘recycling’ of Presidents    after lunch on the Sunday and if you intend to attend only the
                                      and Club Officers has become the       handover and would like to book lunch then the please use the
                                      norm. I have every respect for         Conference registration form marking it ‘Handover Only’. For
those that continue to keep faith with Rotary and serve in the               those attending Conference who may have mobility problems a
way they do but it should not be necessary. The future of Rotary             Shuttle Bus will be available between the accommodation area
is in our hands and we cannot afford to sit on them in the hope              and the Conference venue. The following link will lead to a
that all will be well in the end. Change is inevitable and we                promotional video of the facilities available on site. Not all will
need to embrace it not fight it if we are to be around to continue           be used but it does give a flavour of what to expect.
‘Making a Difference’.                                             

This District had the privilege of hosting the RIBI Conference this          The South West Rotary Youth Games made the local BBC
year at the Riviera Centre in Torquay and it was gratifying to see           television with a report on the Street Sports. Over a 100 young
Members of the Torbay Clubs and those from further afield                    people took part from across the District and the word is
coming together to provide support for the event and what an                 spreading. The intention is to provide activities for youngsters
event it turned out to be. Rotary International President Ian                across the District but to do that we need Club support so if your
Riseley gave us something to think about in true Australian style            Club has yet to do so then please consider it.
and we were treated to speakers who moved us, motivated us
and made us laugh. The President of the Rotary Club of Torquay,              It was a privilege to attend the launch of Carol Lay’s book ‘Smile
John Slater, told us how the Club had been visited by Paul Harris            and Enjoy the Adventure’ at the Little Harbour Hospice. The
and how they then proceeded to try and kill him off in a car                 book reveals what it was like to live, travel and work in Siberia.
accident on the way to the railway station. Fortunately he was               In my first skim through it I noticed a heading with -17C in it and I
not seriously injured or we might not be part of the world leading           thought it was cold the other week. It promises to be a good
organisation we are. The event was honoured by a visit and                   read and all proceeds go towards supporting the siblings of
speech from Her Royal Highness Princess Anne who is an                       children with life limiting conditions.
Honorary Member of the Rotary Club of Elgin. The Saturday
afternoon Annual Business Meeting saw RIBI President Denis                   George Eamer  District Governor District 1175
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