Page 6 - April 2018 DIM
P. 6

POLIO                                                         Message of hope to India

The Rotary Grand Tour is hitting the highways next month      As at 3rd April this year, there have been only
and needs cars of all shapes and sizes to take part.          eight new cases of polio worldwide: seven cases
Everyone is welcome to join this amazing road trip across     were reported in Afghanistan, a war-torn country
Great Britain and Ireland from 21st – 24th May.               which has particular challenges in regard to
                                                              delivering vaccine to all young children, and one
You pick your team, car, route, where you stay and raise      case in Pakistan (the first of the year).
sponsorship. To help you on your way, Rotary across the
country is setting up a few check and photo points at places  The most recent case was a 12-month old boy in
of interest where you can have a break, get your logbook      an area difficult to access by vaccination teams;
stamped as proof of passage or take a selfie near a           indeed it was inaccessible for nearly nine months.
landmark. You will have the opportunity to meet other         The child had only been vaccinated once against
travellers. You can drive as near or as far as you wish and   polio. Multiple doses of oral polio vaccine must be
there is no requirement to drive for all four days. When you  administered for a child to be fully protected from
have completed your epic journey, join us at the finish line  polio and every dose further strengthens a child’s
for an end-of-tour party in Yorkshire on the 24th May         immunity against the virus.
                                                              Heart breaking stories such as these are why
Currently known check and photo points, include the Brands    Rotary must continue to support the campaign so
Hatch Circuit, Beamish Museum and Haynes International        that the disease will no longer paralyse children
Motor Museum.                                                 across the world.

District 1175 will have a check point at The Orangery,        Roger and Paula Byrom, plus Paul and Jane
Powderham Castle. With the help of Dawlish Water Rotary       Cockcroft, from Braunton Caen, were among 93
Club there will be a gazebo present in the car park and       Rotarians from the UK, including ADG John Page
Rotarians will be there to sign the 'log books' of any cars   and his wife, Paignton President Marion Page
that visit along the way.                                     flying to Delhi for a briefing before moving to four
                                                              different immunisation sites across India. There
Register your interest by 27th April                          were further parties of Rotarians from Japan, the
                                                              US, Australia and Holland.

                                                              John and Marion volunteered to help in Delhi,
                                                              working in the slum areas, delivering two drops of
                                                              inoculation fluid into the mouths of youngsters
                                                              aged five years or younger. As each one was
                                                              inoculated, the little finger of his or her left hand
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