Page 4 - April 2018 DIM
P. 4

2018 RIBI CONFERENCE                                            young people. He laid down a challenge regarding
                                                                one of his areas of interest for when we complete
                                        Report from Darren      the Polio fight and that is his work to combat
                                        Hands                   slavery.

                                        RIBI’s National         Rugby legend Phil Bennett finished off the session
                                        Conference was held at  in typical Rugby style with some great anecdotes
                                        the Riviera Centre in   of his playing career before also congratulating
                                        Torquay this year       and encouraging all Rotarians in what we do.
(August 6-8) and kicked off in fine style with the
planting of elm trees in the gardens at the                     "Believe in Yourself" was the message at the start
Seafront and the presentation of awards to the                  of Day 2 of the conference with Paralympian Liz
Humphry Davy Interact club, (for best project                   Johnson telling us that we should all believe we
award for Interact clubs throughout Great Britain               can do anything - you may just need to thing
and Ireland). along with the Exe Valley Rotary                  outside of the box.
Club (for Environmental work). Sadly none of the
district clubs’ entries in the PR trophy won –                  Performing at the conference was the Young
losing out to one of the Bristol clubs.                         Musician of the Year and there was a presentation
                                                                on the Young Technology competition which
                        Humphry Davy Interact Club              showed that not all such activities were elitist.

Later, after a couple of talks about the Inner                  The annual Young Citizen awards were once again
Wheel and Women’s Institute, Shaun Sawyer,                      inspiring with some great stories being told.A
Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall, brought a                current topic of cyber security followed along with
sense of perspective to the conference when                     tales from behind the scenes of Blue Peter. I think
discussing the role of community and how society                everyone enjoyed some of the memories here.
could work together to make a better future of
                                                                After a talk on the polio campaign, former
                                                                television newsreader Angela Rippon gave a call
                                                                to arms for help with the dementia campaign she

                                                                Highlight of the second day was the arrival of HRH
                                                                Princess Anne, an honorary member of the Rotary
                                                                Club of Elgin, she spoke from a position of
                                                                authority on the End Polio Campaign and other
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