Page 14 - IDG-SA Brochure
P. 14
Meet the Team
Our People
Our local faculty and associates provide
expertise and local relevance to our
African clients, coupled with access
to multi-lingual globe-trotting subject
matter experts. Experienced business
executives, and academics make up our
consulting and facilitation teams.
Joanne is Managing Director of impact on the quality of our
IDG SA, having joined IDG as an outcomes. Joanne’s passion is to
associate in 2013 and delivering contribute to individuals, teams and
several programmes before IDG organisations unlocking potential so
SA was established in 2016. that individually and in partnership
with each other they can create
Joanne is a qualified capital markets responsible leadership, followership
specialist. Her work in capital markets and performance excellence.
saw her based in the USA and
Frankfurt before returning to South This passion has led Joanne to play
Africa. She obtained a qualification a significant role as an intervention
from the Securities Institute of London designer, trainer, facilitator and
and after several years trading, coach in various contexts from
started a financial services company in education, to international non-
Durban. government organisations and
commercial businesses. In addition
After four years of building a solid she has experience as serving as board
business with several million dollars member and Chairperson on the
under management, Joanne sold this Kairos Foundation Board – SA Board
company to pursue her fascination (an international NGO operating in
in our ability as human beings to SA) where she chaired the first fully
transform ourselves and therefore operational board.