Page 9 - IDG-SA Brochure
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South Africa team were
Consulting amazing! The passion,
energy, inspiration and
In partnership with our clients we
identify pressing needs to define
meaningful people initiatives presence showed up! A
to achieve the desired aim. We
value Collaboration as one of the huge thank you from
underlying principles that underpins
everything we do. We believe that
institutions and organizations me...truly delighted!
are systems with an ability to
find answers to challenges they
experience and to build on the
experience and strengths they
already have. Ours is to partner Global Induction Lead, BARCLAYS
with them to crystallize these
challenges and foster their ability to
develop the capacity to transform
behaviour and thus culture.
We do not have a traditional
approach to change. And we believe
there are some key differentiators
in the work we do. We do not have IDG had a major role to play in
a top down or expert approach but lifting my plant from 70 to 49 .
rather a more emergent approach
that recognises that the people within They created the process that the
the organisation are the change people could voice their concerns
makers. We listen to individuals and
identify narratives that relate to team and they could see that they were
and task needs. We do this through a being addressed. So this created an
combination of data and sensing, and
our findings and recommendations engagement which is a very big
are built on what has been identified plus for our plant.
as detractors and enablers.
BEHAVIOURAL CHANGE Plant Manager, Faurecia
As we work together and partner
with clients, we know how to balance
team, individual and task needs so
that staff engagement is sustained,
and performance can be focussed on 24
through behavioural change