Page 6 - IDG-SA Brochure
P. 6

Methodology                                                                      The following values

                                                                                          are pivotal to every

       Our Solutions

       Our solutions are custom designed in                                            Commercial excellence is at the heart

       partnership with our clients. The tailor-made                                   of every intervention
       offerings include a combination of Cultural
       and Competence Data Analytics, Consulting,                                      Measurable return-on-investment is
       Blended and Action Learning, Facilitated

       Discussions and Coaching. The delivery                                          essential to all of our performance
       methods include multi-modular, skills master-                                   improvement projects
       classes, one-off events, surveys, facilitation and
       mediation.                                                                      Partnering with clients ensures

                                                                                       commercial outcomes are optimised

       We facilitate the development of effective

       leadership and followership, that accelerate                                    Behavioural competence and
       managers and leaders to deliver results in all                                  character underpin commercial
       areas of their operations.                                                      awareness and business acumen

                                                                                       All solutions are based on the core

                                                                                       IDG philosophy which focuses on:

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