Page 7 - IDG-SA Brochure
P. 7

The following values

 are pivotal to every


                                          People                             Facilitated

                                          Analytics                          Discussions

 Commercial excellence is at the heart    DATA                               & Keynote

                                          In consultation with our clients we
 of every intervention                    create and facilitate custom surveys  Presentations
                                          that produce relevant data.
 Measurable return-on-investment is       Our proprietary survey platform    Our multi-lingual, eclectic, team
                                                                             of experts, with a diverse range of
 essential to all of our performance      enables us to administer 90°,      commercial experience give our clients
                                          180°, 225°, 360º degree surveys.
                                                                             an extensive offering of thought-
 improvement projects                     There is no survey project too     provoking  business performance
                                          large for us to tackle.
                                                                             topics, such as:
 Partnering with clients ensures          Worker/staff engagement                       CHARACTER
                                          surveys, root cause surveys to
 commercial outcomes are optimised        reveal process or compliance                  DIVERSITY
                                          challenges. The method of
                                          collection can be live, online or          ENTREPRENEURSHIP
 Behavioural competence and               paper based.                            GRADUATE PROGRAMMES
                                          ANALYSIS & INSIGHT                            INNOVATION
 character underpin commercial            Our experienced team extract                  LEADERSHIP

 awareness and business acumen            meaningful insights from the data.      MERGERS & ACQUISITIONS
                                          We interrogate statistical variances
                                          and highlight best practices to              RECRUITMENT
 All solutions are based on the core      determine the opportunities                RISK MANAGEMENT
                                          and required solutions to deliver
 IDG philosophy which focuses on:         measurable business impact.               SHAREHOLDER VALUE

                                                                                       SUPPLY CHAIN
                                                                                      TEAM BUILDING
                                                                                   WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP
                                                                                     WORKPLACE SAFETY
                                                                                      YOUTH & MORE

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