Page 8 - IDG-SA Brochure
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       Our blended learning solutions     SIMULATION                         GAMIFICATION
       put the learner in control of      Business simulation models are     IDG has developed a suite of bespoke
       their own learning experiences     designed to align with our client’s   games, designed to drive commercial
       including, timing, place, method   businesses. Participants are divided   excellence and develop sound
       and pace. Crucially, it is about   into teams and required to form    business acumen. This is a fluid and
       content and applied learning       the board of a start-up company,   dynamic way to engage teams and
       that is integrated into their own   operating the business over several   put their newly acquired skills and
       working practice, projects or      years and, presenting their results   values to the test with real-life, real-
       defined business challenges.       to a judging panel. Over 250 senior   time scenarios.
       Ultimately, the appropriate        managers and project managers
       outcome will be determined by      have completed this programme
       the issue the client is seeking to   which has created a critical mass of
       resolve.                           commercially-minded employees.

                                          ACTION LEARNING                    COACHING
                                          Action learning teams are integral   IDG-SA offers coaching and mentoring
                                          to our interventions. With a firm   for executives, leaders, managers,
                                          grasp of the key performance       teams and project groups. Our
                                          indicators that will drive results,   coaches come with a high degree of
                                          we formulate innovative and        commercial rigour and credibility.
                                          flexible learning and established   Typically, we apply coaching for
                                          development methodologies.         three key reasons: career transition,
                                                                             behavioural or performance issues and
                                                                             ‘good to great’ talent development
                                                                             of high potential individuals.

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