Page 5 - IDG-SA Brochure
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In Africa, IDG has delivered
programmes for multi-national
clients to participants from over 15
countries including, South Africa,
Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia,
Uganda, Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Nigeria
and Kenya. Programmes include:
values integration, transitions into
leadership, leading for performance,
induction programmes and
business relationship excellence.
In the following pages you will
get a flavour of IDG-SA and what
we believe makes us different. If Our business at IDG is about business improvement.
you would like to discuss people It’s not fluffy, it’s hard-nosed and hard-edged, and we
development in your organisation, help businesses improve by helping people modify
or simply chat through some their behaviour.
of the points raised in this
introduction, please contact us,
we will be delighted to help. Stephen Bennett, Founder & Chairman of IDG