Page 11 - PEF Joining Instructions Booklet-Mockup
P. 11

Dress Code

             For the workshop, please wear outdoor attire for the days activities. Dinner will be held at the
             Academy on the evening of the 15 March in one of the prestige rooms. Jacket and tie for
             gentlemen and the equivalent for ladies will be required. Please note, the Academy does not
             allow jeans at any time and please do not wear shorts, football type shirts or military combats.

              Please arrive wearing clothing suitable for     Please do not wear the following:
                     outdoor activities such as:

                  T-shirt, polo shirt, rugby shirt etc.               Offensive logos,
                 Please ensure that you bring at least one
                 shirt/top with long sleeves for some of the

              Tracksuit, cargo, trekking, (running) leggings  Jeans (denim) camouflage pattern trousers

                  You may bring shorts, but you will need   If you wear incorrect footwear, you will not
                  long trousers for some of the activities.   be able to take part in some activities.

                Walking shoes/boots, trainers. Anything   Pumps, heels, wedges, espadrills, deck/boat
               which fits securely round the foot and has                  shoes.
                            decent grip.

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