Page 6 - PEF Joining Instructions Booklet-Mockup
P. 6

Introduction & Venue


                    1 DAY                 4 DAYS                            1 DAY
                                                 STAGE 1 - UK

             This programme is a 4 day event held at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
             (RMAS), with an additional 2 days, 3 months later being run in Nigeria. The course is
             bespoke to PEF designed by The Inspirational Development Group (IDG), and will help
             you to further develop your existing leadership skills to enable you to better be able to
             lead, motivate and support your teams back in the work place.

             The Inspirational Development Group is     and tradition experienced by the likes of Sir
             based at and has been working in association   Winston Churchill, Field-Marshal Montgomery,
             with the RMAS since 2000. This relationship   the King of Jordan and more recently, Princes
             enables IDG to utilise staff and facilities at the   William and Harry.
             RMAS. IDG abide by the Academy rules and
             therefore information passed onto delegates   The Academy is located in the suburban town
             must be strictly adhered to.               of Camberley and Sandhurst which is
                                                        approximately 35 miles from central London.
             The depth of experience of IDG’s consultants,
             whose backgrounds are either from the      On the first day of your visit at the Academy
             military or commercial sector enables them   you will be taken on a tour which will explain
             to design and deliver bespoke training     to you the fascinating history of this
             programmes for a wide variety of clients   prestigious location and will provide you with
             from a broad range of the commercial       an exclusive opportunity to ask any questions
             sectors.                                   you may have.

             The Venue
                                                                 Please may we take this
             The RMAS is the British Army’s premier         opportunity to ask that you abide
             training establishment and the only             by the rules of the Academy and
             establishment for Army Officer Training.           respect that it is a working
             Renowned both nationally and                    environment for the cadets who
             internationally, the RMAS in one form or          are currently training there.
             another has been evolving and delivering
             Leadership and Team Working programmes
             for 200 years. The Academy is an inspirational
             place to visit and we hope that you will take
             the time to look around and take in the ethos

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