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companies. Janine’s clients include the Before launching JAS Leadership, Janine
C-Suite and Senior Executives who want worked for over ten years in consultancy,
immediate impact and sustained results, heading up technology development and
as well as high-potentials to develop the eLearning projects, with a passion for
next generation of leaders. helping organizations develop and align
human capital, organizational processes
She uses a proven goal/strategy/action and supporting systems. Her experience
framework based in contemporary spans a range of functional and cross-
neuroscience and positive psychology. functional roles in public and private
This approach works best with highly sector organizations, leading teams and
successful leaders with even more departments in marketing, business
potential to realize. development, IT, learning resources and
project & change management. Janine
Janine also leverages current scientific has retained the disciplines of scientific
research on unconscious bias to support inquiry learned on the way to degrees in
creating more fair and respectful mathematics and computer science —
workplaces that effectively assess, intellectual diligence and a quest for the
manage and alleviate unconscious bias. most reliable data. In combination with her
Through her customized combination of natural, seemingly endless curiosity, the
facilitation and coaching, clients deepen result is her inquisitiveness; a key strength
their understanding of unconscious bias for a coach.
and microinequities enabling them to
better foster an inclusive workplace