Page 193 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
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CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                               2
                              NCM 100 -THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS IN NURSING

                         Time                                                                         Teaching and
                        Frame                                                 Intended Learning          Learning                               Teaching and
                                             Learning Content                                                               Learning                                     Modality
                                                                               Outcomes (ILOs)          Activities       Assessments        Learning References/
                                                                                                          (TLAs)                                 Resources
                        Week1  1.  University  Vision,  Mission,  Goals  and  At  the  end  of  the  Lecture            Quiz               Student Manual revised  Face to face
                                     Objectives, College ILO, Program ILO,     session,    students  Jingle             Presentation   of  2021
                                     College  Policies,  Grading  system       are expected to:      Composition        the    composed
                                     Course Requirement                                                                 jingle
                                                                                  Demonstrate       Teacher-
                                                                                    knowledge  of
                                                                                    University’s     managed
                                                                                    VMGO,      and   Lecture         -
                                                                                    College          discussion.
                                                                                    policies   and
                                                                                    grading system   .
                                                                                    and     course
                                                                                    of the subject

                        Week 2  2.  Overview / Definition                    At  the  end  of  the  Teacher-            Quiz#1.            [Click  here  to  enter  Face            to
                                            a.  Definition of Terms            session,    students  managed            Identification     resources  to  be  used]  face/Online
                                            b.  Nursing Paradigms              are expected to:      Lecture         -                     Hewison,      A.,     &
                                                           1.  Person                                discussion.                           Wildman, S. (1996). The
                                                           2.  Health             Define        &                                         theory-practice  gap  in
                                                           3.  Environment          explain     the                                        nursing:     a      new
                                                                         4.     Nursing      different  terms                              dimension. Journal    of
                                                                                    with  concepts                                         Advanced       Nursing,
                                                                                    and theories                                           24(4),         754-761.
                                                                                  identify    and                                         Retrieved          from
                                                                                    describe    the                                        EBSCOhost
                                                                                    person, health,

                                                                                                                                            Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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