Page 195 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
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CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                               4
                              NCM 100 -THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS IN NURSING

                        Week                                                 At  the  end  of  the  Lecture-                               Journal Reading:          Face           to
                        4-8                 A.  Nursing Models               session,  the  students  Discussion        Quiz     #     3.                            face/Online
                                                1.  Myra Estrin Levine       are expected to:                           Identification     Kumar,     C.    (2007).
                                                2.  Martha Rogers                                    Small      group                      Application  of  Orem's
                                                3.  Dorothea Orem                  Explain     the   discussion                           self-care  deficit  theory
                                                4.  Imogene King                    bibliographic                                          and        standardized
                                                5.  Betty Neuman                    background  of   Self-                                 nursing  languages  in  a
                                                6.  Sister Callista Roy             each    nursing                                        case study of a woman
                                                7.  Dorothy Johnson                 theorist         Assessment                            with
                                                          8.Anne Boykin and Savina     Identify   key                                     diabetes. International
                                 Schoenhofer                                        concepts     of                                        Journal    of   Nursing
                                                                                    each    nursing                                        Terminologies         &
                                                                                  Explore      the                                        Classifications,   18(3),
                                                                                    philosophical                                          103-110. Retrieved from
                                                                                    underpinnings                                          EBSCOhost.
                                                                                    of each nursing
                                                                                  Critically
                                                                                    appraise  each
                                                                                    nursing model
                                                                                  Criticize  each
                                                                                    nursing theory
                                                                                  Review      and
                                                                                    literatures  that
                                                                                    used any of the
                                                                                    nursing models
                        Week 9               MIDTERM EXAMINATION

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