Page 263 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
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CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                               5
                                 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING

                  Weeks         I. Nursing as a           At the end of the session,       Lecture-            Concept  mapping  of       Berman et al (2022).      Face to face for the
                   2 - 4        Profession, Art,            students are expected            discussion         characteristics       of     Fundamentals of               lecture
                                Science and Vocation        to:                            Group sharing       nursing,    history   of    Nursing Concepts,
                                                                                                                nursing,  development  Process, and Practice,      Online for presentation
                                a. Introduction           1.  define nursing                                    of nursing and fields of   Volume 1 and Volume           of outputs
                                     Definition of       2.  list    down      the                             nursing                             2
                                       Nursing               characteristics      of
                                     Characteristics        nursing
                                       of Nursing         3.  identify the personal
                                     Focus of               and professional
                                                             qualities of a nurse
                                     Personal and        4.   summarize the
                                                             history of nursing
                                       professional       5.  describe the
                                       qualities of a        development of
                                                             modern nursing
                                                          6.  enumerate the
                                b. Nursing as a              different fields of
                                Profession                   nursing

                                i. Profession
                                     Definition
                                     Criteria
                                ii. History of Nursing
                                     World
                                     Philippines
                                iii. Development of
                                     modern nursing
                                iv. Fields of nursing

                   Week         II. Overview of the       At the end of the session,       Lecture-            Case analysis on           Berman et al (2022).      Face to face for the
                    5 - 8       Professional Nursing        students are expected            discussion         accountability of            Fundamentals of               lecture
                                Practice                    to:                            Small to large      nurses                      Nursing Concepts,
                                                                                             group discussion                             Process, and Practice,

                                                                                                                                            Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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