Page 266 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 266

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                               8
                                 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING

                                                          14.explain how evaluating
                                                          relates to other phases of
                                                          the nursing process.

                  Weeks         IV. Integral Aspects of  At the end of the session,        Lecture-                  Simulate            Berman et al (2022).      Face to face for the
                  14 - 15       Nursing                     students are expected            discussion                 nurse-client         Fundamentals of               lecture
                                a. Caring                   to:                            Journal Reading             communicatio        Nursing Concepts,
                                     Caring practice     1.discuss the meaning of                                      n activity        Process, and Practice,   Online for presentation
                                       models             caring.                                                                         Volume 1 and Volume            of outputs
                                     Six Cs of Caring    Identify nursing theories                                                                 2
                                b. Communicating          focusing on caring.
                                     Communication       2.describe factors
                                       Process            influencing the
                                     Modes of            communication process.
                                       Communication      3.discuss nurse–client
                                     Factors             communication as a
                                       Influencing the    dynamic process.
                                       Communication      4.discuss how nurses use
                                       Process            communication skills in
                                     Therapeutic         each phase of the nursing
                                       Communication      process.
                                     Barriers to         5.state why effective
                                       Communication      communication is
                                     The Helping         imperative among health
                                       Relationship       professionals.

                  Weeks         V. Promoting              At the end of the session,       Lecture-                  Construct           Berman et al (2022).
                   16-17        Psychosocial Health       students are expected to:          discussion                 nursing              Fundamentals of
                                     Sensory             1.describe factors                                            diagnosis           Nursing Concepts,
                                       Perception         influencing sensory                                                             Process, and Practice,

                                                                                                                                            Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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