Page 269 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 269

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              11
                                 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING

                                                                                           Skills Laboratory

                  Weeks         I. Asepsis                At the end of the session,       Lecture                  Graded return         Berman et al (2022).         Face to face
                                     Principles of       students are expected to:        Demonstration            demonstration           Fundamentals of
                                       Asepsis                                                                                              Nursing Concepts,
                  10 - 13            Handwashing         1.explain  the  concepts  of                                 (Rubrics for       Process, and Practice,
                                     Sterile             medical    and    surgical                             Skills Demonstration)    Volume 1 and Volume
                                       Technique          asepsis.                                                                                  2
                                     Applying and        2.identify  anatomic  and
                                       Removing Cap,      physiologic  barriers  that
                                       Mask, and          defend  the  body  against
                                       Protective         microorganisms.
                                       Eyewear            3.differentiate  active  from
                                     Preparing a         passive immunity.
                                       Sterile Field      4.identify signs of localized
                                     Sterile Gloving     and systemic infections.
                                     Wound Care          5.identify  relevant  nursing
                                                          diagnoses             and
                                                          contributing  factors  for
                                                          clients at risk for infection
                                                          and who have an infection.
                                                          6.identify  interventions  to
                                                          reduce risks for infections.
                                                          7.demonstrate     aseptic
                                                          practices,  including  hand
                                                          washing;   donning    and
                                                          removing  a  facemask,
                                                          gown,   and    disposable
                                                          gloves;         managing
                                                          equipment     used     for
                                                          isolation   clients;   and
                                                          maintaining a sterile field.

                                                                                                                                            Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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