Page 272 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 272

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              14
                                 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING

                  Weeks         III. Mobility             At the end of the session,       Lecture             Graded return              Berman et al (2022).         Face to face
                                     Moving              students are expected to:        Demonstration       demonstration                Fundamentals of
                   14-17             Turning                                                                                               Nursing Concepts,
                                     Log-rolling         1.describe four basic                                                           Process, and Practice,
                                     Transferring        elements of normal                                          (Rubrics for        Volume 1 and Volume
                                     Assisting client    movement.                                              Skills Demonstration)              2
                                                          2.differentiate isotonic,
                                                          isometric, isokinetic,
                                                          aerobic, and anaerobic
                                                          3.assess activity-exercise
                                                          pattern, alignment,
                                                          mobility capabilities and
                                                          limitations, activity
                                                          tolerance, and potential
                                                          problems related to
                                                          4.develop nursing
                                                          diagnoses and outcomes
                                                          related to activity,
                                                          exercise, and mobility
                                                          5.demonstrate proper
                                                          moving, turning, log-
                                                          rolling, transferring and
                                                          assisting of clients

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