Page 277 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 277

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              19
                                 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING

                  Weeks         VIII. Nursing Care        At the end of the session,    Lecture-workshop             Written output      Berman et al (2022).         Face to face
                                Plan and                  students are expected to:                                     of NCP               Fundamentals of
                   14-17        Documentation                                                                         Accomplished         Nursing Concepts,
                                Workshop                  1.describe the guidelines                                     patient           Process, and Practice,
                                                          for nursing documentation                                     records/charts    Volume 1 and Volume
                                                          2.accomplish accurately                                                                   2
                                                          and completely a nursing
                                                          chart based on a sample
                                                          client case
                                                          3.create a nursing care
                                                          plan for various client

                          OTHER MAJOR COMPETENCIES OUTPUT

                          Aside from the major examinations, the student will be assessed at other times during the term by the following:

                                Case analysis
                                Critiquing research journal
                                Simulation (nurse-client communication)
                                Construct nursing diagnosis
                                Concept mapping
                                Skills demonstration

                          RUBRIC FOR ASSESSMENT TO BE USED FOR Major Competencies Outputs (MCOs)

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