Page 275 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 275

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              17
                                 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING

                  Weeks         VI. Medication            At the end of the session,       Lecture             Graded return              Berman et al (2022).         Face to face
                                Administration            students are expected to:        Demonstration       demonstration                Fundamentals of
                   14-17             Oral                                                                                                  Nursing Concepts,
                                     Parenteral          1.define selected terms                                                         Process, and Practice,
                                     Intradermal         related to the                                              (Rubrics for        Volume 1 and Volume
                                     Subcutaneous        administration of                                                                         2
                                     Intramuscular       medications.                                           Skills Demonstration)
                                     Intravenous         2.describe various routes
                                     Ophthalmic          of medication
                                     Otic                administration.
                                                          3.identify essential parts
                                                          of a medication order.
                                                          4.identify abbreviations
                                                          commonly used in
                                                          medication orders.
                                                          5.state systems of
                                                          measurement that are
                                                          used in the administration
                                                          of medications.
                                                          administration of oral,
                                                          parenteral, ophthalmic
                                                          and otic medications.

                                                                                                                                            Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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