Page 273 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 273

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              15
                                 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING

                  Weeks         IV. Safety                At the end of the session,       Lecture             Graded return              Berman et al (2022).         Face to face
                                     Factors affecting  students are expected to:         Demonstration       demonstration                Fundamentals of
                   14-17               safety                                                                                               Nursing Concepts,
                                     Fall prevention     1.discuss factors that                                                          Process, and Practice,
                                     Seizure             affect people’s ability to                                  (Rubrics for        Volume 1 and Volume
                                       precaution         protect themselves from                                                                   2
                                     Applying            injury.                                                Skills Demonstration)
                                       Restraints         2.describe methods to
                                                          assess clients at risk for
                                                          3.identify common
                                                          potential hazards
                                                          throughout the life span.
                                                          4.give examples of
                                                          nursing diagnoses,
                                                          outcomes, and
                                                          interventions for clients at
                                                          risk for accidental injury.
                                                          5.plan strategies to
                                                          maintain safety in the
                                                          health care setting, home,
                                                          and community, including
                                                          prevention strategies
                                                          across the life span for
                                                          thermal injury, falls,
                                                          seizures, poisoning,
                                                          suffocation or choking,
                                                          excessive noise, electric
                                                          hazards, firearms,
                                                          radiation, and
                                                          6.explain measures to
                                                          prevent falls.

                                                                                                                                            Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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