Page 278 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 278

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              20
                                 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING

                               Criteria           Excellent (4)                  Good (3)                       Fair (2)                     Poor (1)            Total
                           Content          Demonstrates           a  Shows  a  good  understanding  Shows          a       good  Shows          a        good
                           Understanding  comprehensive               of   the   topic,   with   most  understanding of the topic,  understanding  of  the  topic,
                                            understanding  of  the  connections between concepts  with        most   connections  with     most    connections
                                            topic,    with     clear  evident.                         between concepts evident.  between concepts evident.
                                            connections     between
                           Organization     Concept  map  is  well- Most  concepts  are  organized  Most        concepts      are  Most       concepts      are
                                            organized,  with  logical  logically,  but  some  groupings  organized  logically,  but  organized   logically,   but
                                            grouping    of   related  or hierarchy may be unclear.     some      groupings     or  some groupings or hierarchy
                                            concepts    and    clear                                   hierarchy may be unclear.   may be unclear.
                                            hierarchical structure.
                           Clarity      of  Concepts,  labels,  and  Most  concepts,  labels,  and  Most concepts, labels, and  Most  concepts,  labels,  and
                           Presentation     connections  are  clearly  connections  are  clear,  but  connections  are  clear,  but  connections  are  clear,  but
                                            labeled and easy to read,  some may be difficult to read or  some  may  be  difficult  to  some may be difficult to read
                                            with  appropriate  use  of  understand.                    read or understand.         or understand.
                                            formatting and colors.
                           Depth        of  Connections     between  Connections between concepts  Connections           between  Connections          between
                           Connections      concepts  demonstrate  a  are  mostly  meaningful,  but  concepts       are    mostly  concepts      are     mostly
                                            deep  understanding  of  some  relationships  may  be  meaningful,       but    some  meaningful,      but    some
                                            relationships,  including  superficial.                    relationships   may     be  relationships    may      be
                                            causal             links,                                  superficial.                superficial.
                                            dependencies,        and
                           Depth        of  All  concepts  included  in  Most  concepts  included  in  the  Most  concepts  included  in  Most  concepts  included  in
                           Connections      the  map  are  relevant  to  map  are  relevant,  but  some  the  map  are  relevant,  but  the  map  are  relevant,  but
                                            the  topic  and  contribute  may   be    tangential    or  some may be tangential or  some  may  be  tangential  or
                                            to   a   comprehensive  unnecessary.                       unnecessary.                unnecessary.
                           Creativity  and  Demonstrates  creativity  Shows  some  creativity  and  Shows some creativity and  Shows  some  creativity  and
                           Innovation       and  innovation  in  the  innovation  in  the  presentation  innovation    in     the  innovation       in      the
                                            arrangement         and                                    presentation  of  concepts,

                                                                                                                                            Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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