Page 281 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 281

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              23
                                 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING

                                             clarification, and                                                                         techniques, hindering
                                             summarization effectively.                                                                 client understanding.
                           Professionalism  Maintains a professional     Generally, maintains              Demonstrates unprofessional   Shows consistent
                                             demeanor throughout the     professionalism but may have      behavior occasionally,       unprofessional behavior,
                                             interaction, respecting     minor lapses in behavior.         impacting client trust.      undermining client trust.
                                             boundaries and

                                                                             Excellent                            Good                        Fair                   Poor
                                                                               3 pts                               2 pts                     1 pts                   0 pts
                           Interprets the meaning of the ND.
                                                               Provides a personal interpretation of   Able to define the ND          Shows some            No interpretation
                           Is able to identify why the ND was  Nursing Diagnosis, clarify the defining   appropriately and make at    understanding on      provided
                           chosen for the patient.             characteristics and make points of     least 1 clarification           how to make an
                                                               clarification.                                                         interpretation of the
                                                                                                                                      ND but needs further
                           Relates ND to the specific patient                                                                                               Unable to provide an
                                                               Provides at least 3 examples of how    Provides 2 examples of how      Provides 1 example    example of how the
                           ND must correlate with the          the ND relates to the specific patient   the ND relates to the specific   of how the ND      nursing diagnosis
                           patient's condition                                                        patient                         relates to the        relates to a specific
                                                                                                                                      specific patient      patient
                           Data Collection
                                                               Lists at least 5 subjective or objective   Lists 3-4 subjective or     Lists 1-2 subjective   Lists 3-4 subjective or
                           Identifies data that needs to be    data that should be collected when     objective data that should be   or objective data that  objective data that
                           collected when the chosen           the diagnosis is present               collected when the diagnosis    should be collected   should be collected
                           diagnosis is present and the                                               is present                      when the diagnosis    when the diagnosis is
                           rationale for the choice                                                                                   is present            present
                           Intervention application
                                                               Lists at least Nursing interventions to   Lists 3-4 Nursing            Lists 1 -2 Nursing    Unable to lisst nursing
                                                               implement for the specific ND.         interventions to implement for  interventions to      interventions for the
                                                                                                      the specific ND                                       specific ND

                                                                                                                                            Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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