Page 280 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 280

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              22
                                 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING

                                Criteria            Excellent (4)                   Good (3)                         Fair (2)                   Poor (1)         Points
                           Active Listening  Consistently                Mostly   demonstrates     active  Demonstrates  some  active  Rarely     demonstrates
                                             demonstrates        active  listening   but    may     miss  listening  but  often  misses  active       listening;
                                             listening  through  verbal  occasional cues.                  cues.                        frequently      misses
                                             and nonverbal cues.                                                                        cues.
                           Empathy and       Demonstrates      genuine  Generally     empathetic     and  Shows minimal empathy and  Lacks  empathy  and
                           Compassion        empathy and compassion  compassionate,  but  may  lack  compassion,          occasionally  compassion, appearing
                                             towards     the    client's  depth at times.                  seeming indifferent.         indifferent          or
                                             feelings and concerns.                                                                     unsympathetic.
                           Empathy and       Communicates clearly and  Generally clear and concise, but  Can be unclear or verbose at  Communication          is
                           Compassion        concisely, avoiding jargon  may  occasionally  use  technical  times, causing confusion for  often   unclear    or
                                             and  ensuring  the  client  terms.                            the client.                  verbose,      hindering
                                             understands.                                                                               understanding.
                           Nonverbal         Utilizes       appropriate  Generally,        demonstrates  Shows      limited   use   of  Rarely  uses  nonverbal
                           Communication  nonverbal        cues      to  effective             nonverbal  nonverbal cues or uses them  cues          effectively,
                                             enhance  communication  communication  but  may  be  inappropriately.                      hindering
                                             and  convey  empathy  and  inconsistent.                                                   communication.
                           Respect and       Demonstrates  respect  for  Generally,  respects  the  client's  Occasionally   overlooks  Shows little respect for
                           Cultural          the   client's   autonomy,  autonomy       and      cultural  cultural differences or fails to  cultural differences and
                           Sensitivity       cultural  background,  and  differences.                      respect autonomy.            frequently  disregards
                                             individual preferences.                                                                    autonomy.
                           Effective         Uses open-ended questions   Generally, uses effective         Relies heavily on closed-ended  Rarely uses effective
                           Questioning       to encourage client         questioning techniques but may    questions, limiting client   questioning techniques,
                                             participation and gather    miss opportunities for open-ended  engagement.                 hindering information
                                             relevant information.       questions.                                                     gathering.
                           Therapeutic       Utilizes therapeutic        Generally, uses therapeutic       Demonstrates limited use of   Rarely uses therapeutic
                           Communication  communication techniques       communication techniques but      therapeutic communication    communication
                           Techniques        such as paraphrasing,       may lack consistency.             techniques.

                                                                                                                                            Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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