Page 296 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
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CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              3
                                NCM 104 - COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING I

                          Frame                                            Intended Learning         Teaching and                            Teaching and Learning
                                            Learning Content                                            Learning             Learning                                      Modality
                                                                            Outcomes (ILOs)                                                        References/
                                                                                                    Activities (TLAs)     Assessments              Resources

                          Week   University Vision, Mission, Goals      At the end of the          Lecturette           Quiz                 Resources / References    Face to face
                             1     and Objectives ,College ILO,         session, students are                           Presentation of the
                                   Program ILO, College Policies,       expected to:               Jingle Composition  composed jingle       Administration Manual.
                                   Grading system Course                Demonstrate knowledge                                                Academic Manual,
                                   Requirements                         of University’s VMGO,                                                Student Manual

                                                                        and College policies and                                               CMO of the Program/s
                                                                        guidelines, targets,
                                                                        grading system and
                                                                        course requirements of
                                                                        the subject

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