Page 301 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 301

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              8
                                NCM 104 - COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING I

                                       c.  Examples of                          the Ottawa                                                   health nursing care
                                           Theories/Models of Health            Charter for                                                  plans: A guide for home
                                           Promotion                            Health                                                       health care professionals
                                                                            B.  Discuss the                                                  Shirreffs, Janet H.,
                                                                                relationship of                                              (1982). Community
                                                                                risk to health and                                           health contemporary
                                                                                health promotion
                                                                                activities.                                                  perspective
                                                                            C.  List health
                                                                                behaviors for                                                Onion, Zaccheus (2021).
                                                                                health promotion                                             Health maintenance of
                                                                                and disease                                                  the masses
                                                                            D.  Relate the                                                   Sines, David (2009).
                                                                                clinical                                                     Community Health Care
                                                                                implications of                                              Nursing
                                                                                health promotion
                                                                                and risk
                                                                                reduction                                                    Sines, David (2009).
                                                                                activities.                                                  Community and Public
                                                                            E.  Describe                                                     Health Nursing
                                                                                of Health

                          Week     TOPIC 3: Community Organizing        At the end of the          Lecture              Graded Recitation    Grant, Murray (1987).     Face to face
                            11     Towards Community Participation      session, students are                           Post quiz            Handbook of community
                                   in Health                            expected to:               Brainstorming                             health 4  ed.
                                      a.  Definition of Community
                                          Organizing                        A.  Identify CO                                                  Scherman, Susan L.,
                                      b.  Community Participation in            Characteristics;                                             (1985). Community
                                          Health: levels of community           Process;                                                     health nursing care
                                          participation, factors                Phases; Goal

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