Page 304 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
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CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             11
                                NCM 104 - COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING I

                                                                                                                                             Sines, David (2009).
                                                                                                                                             Community Health Care

                                                                                                                                             Sines, David (2009).
                                                                                                                                             Community and Public
                                                                                                                                             Health Nursing
                          Weeks  UNIT III: The Art & Science of         At the end of the          Lecture              Return               Scherman, Susan L.,       Face to face
                          14 – 15  Family & Community Health Care  session, students are                                Demonstration        (1985). Community
                                   Process                              expected to:               Role play            Post quiz            health nursing care
                                                                                                                                             plans: A guide for home
                                   TOPIC 1: Health Management &             A.  Determine the                                                health care professionals
                                                                                application on
                                   PE                                           health
                                       A.  Comprehensive Health                 management                                                   McCormick, Edgar
                                           Assessment                           and physical                                                 (2022). Family and
                                       B.  Purpose of Health                    examination                                                  Community Health
                                           Assessment                       B.  Provides sound                                               Management
                                       C.  Purpose of Physical                  decision making
                                           Examination                          in the care of                                               Sines, David (2009).
                                       D.  Modes of Examination                 individuals.
                                       E.  Positions in Physical                                                                             Community Health Care
                                           Examination                                                                                       Nursing
                                       F.  Special Considerations in
                                           Physical Examination
                                       G.  Framework for Health
                          Week     TOPIC 2: Assessing Vital Signs:      At the end of the          Lecture              Return               McCormick, Edgar          Face to face
                            16         A.  Body Temperature             session, students are                           Demonstration        (2022). Family and
                                       B.  Pulse Rate                   expected to:               Role play            Post quiz            Community Health
                                       C.  Respiration: The act of                                                                           Management
                                          breathing                         A.  Perform a
                                       D.  Blood Pressure                       systematic
                                                                                assessment as
                                                                                basis in order to

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