Page 300 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
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CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                              7
                                NCM 104 - COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING I

                                                                               variability of
                                                                               health picture.

                          Weeks  UNIT II: Community Health and          At the end of the          Lecture              Graded recitation    Bautista, Victoria A.,    Face to face
                           7 - 8   Development Concepts,                session, students are                           Post quiz            (1999). A state-of-the-art
                                   Principles and Strategies            expected to:               Group presentation                        review of primary health
                                                                                                                                             care in the Philippines:
                                   TOPIC 1: Primary Health Care             A.  Define Primary                                               two decades of
                                   Approach                                     Health Care                                                  government initiative 2
                                       a.  Definition; PHC as a             B.  Explain the                                                  ed.
                                          philosophy, approach,                 definition of
                                          structure and services                health by the
                                       b.  Legal Basis of PHC in the            WHO                                                          Shirreffs, Janet H.,
                                          Philippines                       C.  Outline the                                                  (1982). Community
                                       c.  Components of PHC                    historical                                                   health contemporary
                                                                                background of                                                perspective
                                                                            D.  Relate the                                                   Sines, David (2009).
                                                                                application of the                                           Community Health Care
                                                                                PHC key
                                                                                principles in the                                            Nursing
                                                                                implementation                                               Sines, David (2009).
                                                                                of Community                                                 Community and Public
                                                                                health programs                                              Health Nursing

                          Week 9                                                                        MIDTERM

                          Week     TOPIC 2: Health Promotion            At the end of the          Lecture              Group output         Grant, Murray (1987).     Face to face
                            10         a.  Concept of Health            session, students are                           Post quiz            Handbook of community
                                           Promotion (as embodied in    expected to:               Case Analysis                             health 4  ed.
                                           the Ottawa Charter,
                                           November 1986)                   A.  Analyze a health   Program planning                          Scherman, Susan L.,
                                       b.  Health Promotion                     promotion                                                    (1985). Community
                                           Strategies                           program using

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