Page 308 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 308

CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY                                                                                                             15
                                NCM 104 - COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING I

                                            effectively and         Inconsistent in               criterion or a target
                                            explains correctly.     communicating and             date/time.
                                                                    explaining the purpose..      Inconsistent and
                                                                                                  needs constant
                                                                                                  reminder in
                                                                                                  communicating and
                                                                                                  explaining the
                                            Includes intervention   Contain adequate number       Does not include       Intervention portion is
                                            or nursing actions that  of interventions to help     adequate number of     incomplete.
                                            directly relate to client  client/family meet goal but   interventions to help
                                            and family. Contain     interventions may not be      client/family meet
                                            adequate number of      specific, labeled or listed   goal, and
                                            interventions to help   with rationales.              interventions may not
                                            client/family meet                                    be specific, labeled or
                          INTERVENTION  goal, and                                                 listed with rationales.
                                            interventions are
                                            specific in action and
                                            frequency, labeled
                                            with independent,
                                            dependent and
                                            collaborative with
                                            Includes data that is    Contain data that is listed    Does not contain     Evaluation portion is
                                            listed as criteria in   as criteria in goal statement.  data that is listed as   incomplete
                                            goal statement.         But does not describe goal    criteria in goal
                          EVALUATION        Based on this data,     is met, partially met or not   statement. May also
                                            goal is determined to   met.                          not describe goal is
                                            be met, partially met                                 met, partially met or
                                            or not met.                                           not met.
                          TOTAL Score
                          LEGEND            76-100 Excellent        51-75 Good                    26-50 Satisfactory     25 Unsatisfactory

                                                                                                                                     Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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