Page 313 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 313

                                      NUTRITION AND DIET THERAPY

                                                           Major Examination                                                                                                  45%
                                                           TOTAL                                                         100%

                                                                                         Teaching and Learning                                  Teaching and Learning
                                Time        Learning Content             Learning            Activities (TLAs)             Learning                   References/                Modality
                               Frame                                 Outcomes (ILOs)                                    Assessments                   Resources

                                Week    University Vision, Mission,  At the end of the   Lecturette                 Quiz # 1                 Resources / References            Face to face
                                  1     Goals and Objectives           session,          Jingle Composition         Presentation of the
                                        ,College ILO, Program          students are                                 composed jingle          Administration Manual.
                                        ILO, College Policies,         expected to:                                                          Academic Manual, Student
                                        Grading system Course        Demonstrate                                                             Manual
                                        Requirements                 knowledge of
                                                                     University’s                                                            CMO of the Program/s

                                                                     VMGO, and
                                                                     College policies
                                                                     and guidelines,
                                                                     targets, grading
                                                                     system and
                                                                     requirements of
                                                                     the subject

                                                                                                                                                          Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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