Page 315 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 315

                                      NUTRITION AND DIET THERAPY

                                        Functions                       taking into
                                        Food Sources                    account their
                                        Deficiency/Excess               nutritional
                                             C.  Proteins               requirements,
                                        Classification                  preferences,
                                        Digestion of CHON               and lifestyle.
                                        Food Sources
                                        Protein Energy
                                        Malnutrition (PEM)                               Show pictures that
                                             2.  Micronutrients                          represent each essential
                                        Vitamins                                         nutrient                                            Caudal, Maria Lourdes C.
                                        Minerals                                                                                             (2019). Basic nutrition and
                                        Water                                                                                                diet therapy : textbook  for
                                                                                                                                             nursing students 2  Edition.
                                                                                                                                             QC: C&E. F 613.2 C31 2019
                                         Nutrition Tools,                                                                                                                       BLENDED
                                         Standards and Guideline                             Interactive
                                         Nutrient                                            lectures on the
                                         Recommendations                                     purpose and
                                                                                             application of
                                         A.  Dietary reference                               nutritional health
                                             Intakes (DRIs)                                  tools, including                                FNRI PAMPHLET
                                         1.  Estimated
                                             Average                                         Pinggan Pinoy, the
                                             Requirements                                    Food Pyramid, and
                                             (EAR)                                           the Food Exchange
                                         2.  Recommended             Analyze the             System, in promoting
                                             Dietary                 purpose and             healthy eating and
                                             Allowance               application of
                                         3.  Adequate Intake (AI)    nutritional health
                                                                     tools, icluding

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