Page 319 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 319

                                      NUTRITION AND DIET THERAPY

                                             -   Short-term                 and
                                                 enteral                    proposa
                                                 access                     improveme
                                             -   Long-term                  nts to
                                                 access                     enhance
                                             Parenteral nutrition           its
                                                                            ss in

                                Week     Nutrition Across the        At the end of the                                                       Caudal, Maria Lourdes C.           BLENDED
                                 7-8     Lifespan                    session,nursing                                                         (2019). Basic nutrition and
                                                                     students are                                                            diet therapy : textbook  for
                                               Nutrition in                                                                                                   nd
                                                Pregnancy and        expected to:        Interactive lectures on    Interactive lectures on   nursing students 2  Edition.
                                                                                         the nutritional needs and  the nutritional needs    QC: C&E. F 613.2 C31 2019
                                                Lactation            Analyze the
                                               Nutrition in Infancy   nutritional needs   dietary recommendations  and dietary
                                               Nutrition in         and dietary         for individuals across     recommendations for
                                                                                         different stages of the    individuals across
                                                Childhood            recommendations
                                               Nutritio             for individuals     lifespan, including the    different stages of the
                                                n in                 across different    role of nutrition in growth,  lifespan, including the
                                                Adolesc                                  development, and           role of nutrition in
                                                ence                 stages of the       disease prevention.        growth, development,
                                                                     lifespan, including
                                               Nutrition in the                                                    and disease
                                                Adult Years          infancy, childhood,                            prevention.
                                               Nutrition in Aging   adolescence,

                                                                                                                                                          Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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