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                                      NUTRITION AND DIET THERAPY

                                               Republic Act         dietary             preferences, and lifestyle  account their unique    nursing students 2  Edition.
                                                 11148: 1000         therapy plans for   factors.                   nutritional needs,       QC: C&E. F 613.2 C31 2019

                                                 days of Life        individuals                                    dietary preferences,
                                               Republic Act         with various                                   and lifestyle factors.
                                                 8976: Food          health conditions,
                                                 Fortification Act   taking into account   Interactive lectures on   Multiple choice quiz on

                                                 of 2000             their unique        the legal mandates and     the legal mandates
                                               Republic Act         nutritional         regulations related to
                                                 8172:  Act for      needs, dietary      nutrition and diet
                                                 Salt Iodization
                                                 Nationwide          preferences, and    therapy, including their
                                                 (ASIN Law)          lifestyle factors.   purpose, scope, and
                                               Republic Act                             application in various
                                                 10611: Food                             healthcare settings.
                                                 Safety Act of
                                               Executive
                                                 Order 51:
                                                 Milk Code           Explain the legal   Case studies and group
                                                                     mandates and
                                               Food and             regulations related  discussions on the ethical   Case analysis  where
                                                 Drug                                                               students will be
                                                 Administr           to nutrition and    implications of the legal   required to analyze the
                                                 ation               diet therapy,       mandates  related to
                                                                     including  their                               ethical implications of
                                               Health                                   nutrition and diet
                                                 Insurance           purpose, scope,     therapy, and the role of   legal mandates related
                                                 Portability         and application in   registered dietitians and   to nutrition and diet
                                                 and                 various healtcare   nutritionists in ensuring   therapy, and design     Caudal, Maria Lourdes C.
                                                 Accountabili        settings.           compliance with these      evidence-based           (2019). Basic nutrition and
                                                 ty Act                                                             nutrition interventions
                                                 (HIPAA)                                 mandates.                  that comply with these   diet therapy : textbook  for
                                               National                                                                                     nursing students 2  Edition.
                                                                                                                    mandates.                QC: C&E. F 613.2 C31 2019
                                                 Nutritional Council

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