Page 321 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 321

                                      NUTRITION AND DIET THERAPY

                                                                     into account their
                                                                     unique nutritional
                                                                     needs, dietary
                                                                     preferences, and
                                                                     lifestyle factors.

                               Weeks     Dietary Modification and    At the end of the                                                                                          BLENDED
                                10-13    Dietary Therapy             session, nursing
                                               General Diets        students are
                                                                     expected to:
                                               Diets
                                                 Modified in                                                                                 Caudal, Maria Lourdes C.
                                                 Consistenc                              Interactive lectures on    Multiple-choice          (2019). Basic nutrition and
                                                 y                   1. Evaluate the     the role of dietary        quiz on the role of
                                                                     role of dietary                                                         diet therapy : textbook  for
                                             Diets Modified                              modification and dietary   dietary modification     nursing students 2  Edition.
                                             in Composition          modification and    therapy in the             and dietary therapy in   QC: C&E. F 613.2 C31 2019
                                                                     dietary therapy in   management of various     the management of
                                                                     the management
                                         Nutrition Education and                         health conditions,         various health
                                         Counseling:                 of various          including the scientific   conditions, including
                                                                     health conditions,
                               WEEK                                  including obesity,   evidence supporting their  the scientific evidence
                                  14                                 diabetes,           use.                       supporting their use.

                                         Behavioral Change           cardiovascular
                                                                     disease, and
                                               Behavior

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