Page 316 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 316

                                      NUTRITION AND DIET THERAPY

                                         4.  Tolerance Upper         pinggan pinoy, the      preventing chronic
                                             Intake Levels           food pyramid, and       diseases.
                                             (UL)                    the food exchange
                                                                     system in               Case studies and
                                                                     promoting healthy       group discussions on
                                         Dietary Guidelines and
                                         Food Guides                 eating and              the strengths and
                                                                     preventing chronic      limitations of
                                         1.  Food Pyramid            diseases                nutritional health
                                         2.  Pinggan Pinoy                                   tools, and their
                                         3.  Food Exchange List                              applicability in
                                                 Food Labels
                                         5.  Nutrient                   Compare and          different cultural and
                                             Guidelines for             contrast the         socio-economic
                                             Filipino                   strengths and        contexts.
                                         6.  RENI                       limitations of
                                     1.                                 nutritional          Practical
                                                                        health tools,        workshops where
                                                                        and their            students will design a
                                                                        applicability in     nutrition education
                                                                        different            program that
                                                                        cultural and         incorporates
                                                                        socio-               appropriate
                                                                        economic             nutritional health
                                                                        contexts.            tools, tailored to the
                                                                                             specific needs and
                                                                        Design a             preferences of
                                                                        nutrition            individuals or
                                                                        education            communities.
                                                                        program that

                                                                                                                                                          Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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