Page 314 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 314

                                      NUTRITION AND DIET THERAPY

                                Week     Basic Concepts in           At the end of the
                                 2-3     Nutrition and Diet            session,nursing
                                         Therapy                       students are
                                                                       expected to:
                                         A.  Meaning,                                                               Mulitiple choice quiz on  Caudal, Maria Lourdes C.
                                             Importance and          1.  Explain         Interactive discussion on                                                              BLENDED
                                             Functions of               fundamental      the fundamentals of        the fundamentals of      (2019). Basic nutrition and
                                             Nutrition                  concepts on                                 nutrition.               diet therapy : textbook  for
                                               Nutrition               nutrition and    nutrition and diet therapy                          nursing students 2  Edition.
                                               Food                    diet therapy                                                         QC: C&E. F 613.2 C31 2019
                                         B.  Nutrition Concepts
                                               Composition of

                                                 cells                                   Case studies and group
                                             Biochemical                                discussions on the         Case analysis where
                                             Structure/Formula       2.  Analyze the     relation ship between      students will be
                                               Digestive System        between diet     diet and health.           required to analyze a
                                               Process of              and health,                                 case study on the
                                                 Digestion              and the impact                              relationship between                                        BLENDED
                                         C.  Classification of          of dietary                                  diet and health.
                                             Nutrients                  patterns on
                                             1.  Macronutrients         various health   Practical                                           Caudal, Maria Lourdes C.
                                             A.  Carbohydrates          conditions                                                           (2019). Basic nutrition and
                                                 -   Classification                      assessment where                                    diet therapy : textbook  for
                                                                                         students will be required
                                                 -   Digestion of                        to develop a basic                                  nursing students 2  Edition.
                                                    CHO                                  dietary plan for an                                 QC: C&E. F 613.2 C31 2019
                                                 -   Functions                           individual with specific
                                                 -   Food Sources
                                                 -   Deficiency/Exc  3.  Develop basic   health needs, taking into
                                                    ess                 plans for        account their nutritional
                                             B.  Fats                   individuals      requirements,
                                        Classification                  with specific    preferences, and
                                        Digestion of fats               health needs,    lifestyle.

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