Page 324 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 324

                                      NUTRITION AND DIET THERAPY

                                                 of the Philippines                      Practical                  Practical

                                                 (NNCP)                                  workshops where            assessment where
                                         Ethico-moral Principles                         students will apply legal   students will be
                                         Related to Cultural and                         mandates related to        required to apply legal
                                         Spiritual Preferences
                                                                     Analyza the         nutrition and diet therapy  mandates related to

                                                                     ethical             in the practice of         nutrition and diet
                                                                     implications of     nutrition and diet         therapy in the practice
                                               National             legal mandates      therapy, including the     of nutrition and diet
                                               Nutritional          related to nutrition  documentation and        therapy, including the
                                                 Support and         and diet therapy,   reporting of nutrition     documentation and
                               WEEK              End-of-Life         and the role of     assessments, diagnoses,    reporting of nutrition
                                  17                                 registered
                                                 Decision                                and interventions.         assessments, diagnoses,
                                                 Making              dietitians and                                 and interventions.
                                               Social,              nutritionist in
                                                 Political and       ensuring

                                                 Economic            compliance with
                                                 issues and          these mandates
                                                 affecting                                                          Written reflection on
                                                 Nutrition Care                          Interactive lectures on    the importance of
                                                                                         the significance of        cultural and spiritual
                                                                                         cultural and spiritual
                                                                                                                    preferences in nutrition
                                         Life-long Learning                              preferences in nutrition                            Caudal, Maria Lourdes C.
                                         Activities                  Apply legal         and diet therapy,          and diet therapy,        (2019). Basic nutrition and
                                                                     mandates related                               highlighting personal
                                               Library Search                           exploring how these        insights and             diet therapy : textbook  for
                                                                     to nutrition and    factors influence dietary                           nursing students 2  Edition.
                                               Access                                                              experiences related to
                                                 On-line             diet therapy in the   choices and health       respecting diversity in   QC: C&E. F 613.2 C31 2019
                                                 Resourc             practice of         outcomes.
                                                 es                  nutrition and diet                             healthcare.
                                               Current Events       therapy, including

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