Page 329 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 329

                                      NUTRITION AND DIET THERAPY

                                                  The menu has a wide variety and    The menu has a wide variety    The menu has a moderate         The menu has a limited

                               Menu variety       options for customers, including   and options for customers.     variety and options for         variety and options for
                                                  vegetarian and vegan options.                                     customers                       customers.

                                                  61 – 80   Excellent                41 – 60   Very Good            21 – 40   Good                  20   Needs Improvement

                              RUBRIC FOR ASSESSMENT TO BE USED FOR  MAJOR OUTPUT # 2 – Short film making on malnutrition

                                       Criteria                   Excellent                  Very Good                      Good                 Needs Improvement            Score
                                                                  20 points                    15 point                    10 point                    5 points

                                                         The storyline is             The storyline is very clear,  The storyline is clear, with  The storyline is somewhat
                                                         exceptionally clear,         engaging, and has a clear   a beginning, middle, and     clear but lacks depth and
                                                         engaging, has a              message about               end.                         development.
                                       storyline         compelling message about  malnutrition.
                                                         malnutrition, and inspires

                                                         The cinematography is        The cinematography is       The cinematography is        The cinematography is
                                                         exceptionally good, with     very good, with excellent   good, with adequate          somewhat poor, with some
                                   cinematography        excellent lighting, sound,   lighting, sound, and        lighting, sound, and         lighting, sound, and
                                                         camera work, and creative    camera work.                camera work.                 camera issues.
                                                         use of visual elements.

                                                         The acting is exceptionally  The acting is very good,    The acting is good, with     The acting is somewhat
                                                         good, with exceptional       with excellent delivery,    adequate delivery,           poor, with some delivery,

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