Page 328 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 328

                                      NUTRITION AND DIET THERAPY

                                                                  MCO  # 1:  (Individual) Present a menu tray representing pinggan pinoy.
                                                              ●  MCO  # 2:  (Group ) Short film making on malnutrition
                                                                  MCO  # 3:  (Group)Therapeutic Diet presentation

                                               RUBRIC FOR ASSESSMENT TO BE USED FOR  MCO 1  – Present a menu tray representing pinggan pinoy.

                                   Criteria                  Excellent                        Very Good                         Good                    Needs Improvement              Score
                                                             20 points                         15 point                        10 point                       5 points

                                                  The menu design is visually        The menu design is visually    The menu design is visually     The menu design is simple
                                                  appealing, easy to read, has a     appealing, easy to read, and   appealing and easy to read.     and easy to read but lacks
                               Menu Design        clear hierarchy of information,    has a clear hierarchy of                                       visual appeal.
                                                  and incorporates Pinggan Pinoy     information.
                                                  design elements effectively.
                                                  The menu has all essential         The menu has all essential     The menu has all essential      The menu has all essential
                                                  information, additional details, is   information, additional     information and some            information but lacks some

                               Menu content       organized in a logical manner,     details, and is organized in a   additional details.           details
                                                  and includes cultural context and   logical manner.
                                                  descriptions of dishes.

                                                  The menu prices are significantly  The menu prices are slightly   The menu prices are             The menu prices are slightly
                               Menu pricing       lower than the competition.        lower than the competition.    comparable to the               higher than the competition.

                                                                                                                                                          Revision No. 07 January 31, 2024
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