Page 334 - Documents for the COPC of BS Nursing Program
P. 334

                                                                       CAGAYAN STATE UNIVERSITY

                                                                                College of Nursing

            PHILOSOPHY                                            SYLLABUS IN NCM 106 - PHARMACOLOGY
            The University serves
            the INDIVIDUAL by
            providing the   Course
            student with a                    3.0 units          Semester        First              School Year  2024-2025                Number of Lecture Hours              270
            nurturing      Credits
            environment for
            optimal human   Pre-                                                                                                                                               None
            flourishing. It serves            NCM 106                            Co-requisite/s  None                                     Number of RLE Hours
            the community by   requisite/s
            offering programs
            responsive to                              This course deals with pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, clinical/therapeutic uses and toxicology of drugs. Emphasis is given
            individual and
            social needs.                             on how a drug works to anticipate when giving a drug to a patient are of paramount importance since nursing responsibilities include
                                                      administering drugs, assessing drug effects, intervening to make a drug more tolerable, and providing teaching about drugs and the
            VISION         Course Description:
            CSU is a University                       drug regimen.
            with global stature
            in the arts, culture,
            agriculture and
            fisheries, the                            The Cagayan State University aims to produce graduates who will exhibit:
            sciences as well as
            technological and                         Competence
            professional fields.                          ●  Critical thinker
            MISSION                                       ●  Creative problem-solver
            Cagayan State                                 ●  Competitive performer nationally, regionally and globally
            University shall
            produce globally                          Social Responsibility
            competent      Intended Graduate              ●  Sensitive to ethical demands
            graduates through
            excellent      Attributes (IGAs)              ●  Steward of the environment for future generations
            instruction,                                  ●  Social justice and economic equity and advocate
            innovative and
            creative research,                        Unifying Presence
            responsive public
            service and                                   ●  Uniting theory and practice
            productive industry                           ●  Uniting strata of society
            and community
            engagement.                                   ●  Unifying the nation, the ASEAN region and the world

                                                      Uniting the university and the community
                                                      Given actual or simulated situations/conditions involving client (mother, newborn baby, children) and family who are at risk or with
                           Course         Intended  problems, the students will be able to:
                           Learning      Outcomes  CILO 1: utilize the nursing process in the holistic care of client for the promotion and maintenance of health,
                           (CILO)                             a.  Assess with the client his/her health condition and risk factors affecting health.
                                                              b.  Identify actual/at risk nursing diagnosis.

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